Pastors and Leaders Training

Hello.  My name is Pastor Chris Radebaugh.  My  wife and I have lived in Africa for 33 years and have been in ministry for over 40 years.  One thing we’ve learned is that our Bible College didn’t prepare us for the many problems that we’ve faced through the years.  My wife saw the need of Biblical counseling for the women to whom she ministers.  We both took trauma, rape, abuse, and crisis counseling courses that provide Biblical answers to these and other areas.  My wife is now the only Biblical counselor for deaf women in South Africa.  One of the areas that needed attention was people with addictions.  If you have been in ministry for any length of time, you have also faced people in your congregation or through contacts that are dealing with addictive sin in their lives. They have tried to break free from their sin, but there is no victory. You, as a pastor, have to make a decision. Will you provide the help that is needed? Do you know how to give Bible-based counsel that will meet their need? Are you willing to spend the time necessary to prepare yourself? Most Bible Colleges do not provide practical instruction for how to deal with everyday problems in ministry. Here in South Africa, the sins that people are involved with are no different than anywhere else in the world. Jeremiah 17 and verse 9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” 

We invite you for a day of introduction and training with Addicts at the Cross. Addicts at the Cross takes a bold, unabashed stance in stating that the Bible is true: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:32). The 9 steps will walk students to the cross where Christ sets the captives free. These steps aren’t magic, but a willing and determined pursuit of freedom through them will guide the student to a place where overcoming addiction is possible.

Society tells us poverty, lack of education, and unemployment are the underlying causes of addiction. Though strong families and education are vital supports for a stable society as they help a person discover how to act and what to do, the roots of addiction develop and grow from “who” the person is. This 9-step study will work up the soil of the addict’s heart and uproot the underlying causes of addiction, thereby genuinely setting the addict free.

About the Author of Addicts at the Cross
My name is Larry Skrant. Before that I was 324-242. Before that I was 282-320. And before that I was 230-915. Those are prison numbers. To the state of Ohio, I was a three-time loser. To society, I was beyond salvaging. To all, including myself, I was beyond hope. Then I met Christ, and He gave me a new heart and a new life. I am now a member of the First Baptist Church in Spencer, Ohio, an ordained minister, the director of Changed Lives Ministries, and the founder of Addicts at the Cross. God changes the unchangeable.

Details about the class are: 

  • Open for Pastors and Leaders of churches of like faith.
  • Meeting at Bible Baptist Church of the Deaf – Chloorkop (See map QR code below right.)
  • Class date:  10 June – 9:30 to 1:30.  Muffins, donuts, and fresh coffee or tea available from 9.  Lunch served at 12.
  • We have a limited number of “Addicts at the Cross” available for R175 each.  Click here to read a sample copy.  Pre-pay for your book now at the discounted price of R160 – Click here to purchase.  Please use reference – Addicts at the Cross Book – and follow instructions.
  • Please register – we must know how many will be attending.
  • Registration deadline – 7 June 2023.


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