Learn the Deaf way…
Deaf people are not like hearing people. How? Hearing people learn through a spoken language. Deaf people learn through a visual language. Principles of learning are the same, but the language of communication and instruction is not. Bible Baptist College for the Deaf is a ministry of the Bible Baptist Church of the Deaf.
Our church is different from a “hearing” church in that all services are in Sign Language: the language of the Deaf. A Deaf church is simply a church that uses Sign Language as its language of communication; much the same as a Xhosa church, a Korean church, or any other church. Going to a Deaf church is different in that everything learned is through the Eyes instead of the Ears.
Bible Baptist Church of the Deaf was established in 1996 and through our outreach many people have been led to faith in Christ.
Why a Deaf Church?
Jesus said, “Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations…” Matthew 28:19
The word “nations” means “tribe or people group.” Because God created all languages (Genesis 11), He wants all language groups to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A Deaf church is simply a church that reaches the people group that uses Sign Language. If Sign Language is your method of communication, then a Deaf church is for YOU!
A Biblical Approach
Most church outreach to the Deaf depends upon hearing interpreters to interpret the sermon from a spoken language to a visual language. This can be helpful, but is not the best means for the Deaf to learn. In any setting, the best learning takes place when the language of teaching is the same used by the students who look to their instructors as role models. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations. We are to establish churches for those disciples, not “ministries.” Therefore, the Deaf church is the Biblical approach to reaching the Deaf community.
A Bible College for the Deaf
The Bible College has grown out of the need to train men and women for ministry. If you are Deaf and want to learn to serve the Lord, then BBCD is the place for you. If you are hearing and want to learn to reach the Deaf, then BBCD is the place for you. A clear focus on God’s Word, a growing and Biblical New Testament Church, and encouragement to grow for Christ are all reasons to come to Bible Baptist College for the Deaf. Contact us today!
What are the goals for your life?
Do you have an interest to learn God’s Word? Bible Baptist College for the Deaf will help you prepare yourself for Christian service. God’s Word command us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15. We are living in a time when false doctrine and false churches are everywhere proclaiming their false teachings. Are YOU prepared to know if they are teaching right or wrong? Do YOU know God’s Word? If not, then perhaps you need to consider Bible Baptist College for the Deaf. Our verse by verse study of Scripture will equip you to know what you believe about God’s Word and help you stand for Christ in a sinful world. God’s Word says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10 – 11
If you feel called to Christian ministry, then Bible Baptist College for the Deaf is the place for you. Our classes will give you the right foundation for a life of Christian service. Each class is rooted in God’s Word and will help prepare you for ministry. The Word of God is our text book and will equip us to face the many battles of the Christian life. David said, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105. God’s Word is the answer for the problems people face in life. If we know God’s Word, then we are equipped to help people find Christ and find hope.
If you are unsure about what God wants for your life, then Bible Baptist College for the Deaf is the place for you. Our classes will help you become strong in your walk with the Lord and will be a foundation for wherever God may lead you.
If you would like a copy of our Information booklet, please click here to download a pdf.